© Nadine Fraczkowski

ProfitrainingKatja Cheraneva

Mon 19.06.2023 | 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Tue 20.06.2023 | 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Wed 21.06.2023 | 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Thu 22.06.2023 | 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Fri 23.06.2023 | 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm - Probebühne 3

Waldschmidtstraße 4
60316 Frankfurt am Main


What makes this class a training for dance professionals? Or put another way - what skills or practices are we doing that are support our position as professionals in the free scene in Frankfurt?
The choreography we will learn is quite complex and challenging. Nevertheless it is only a form - a form which I want to approach as an opportunity to unlearn habits; to begin conversations; to learn how that form feels and instead of chasing the form, to practice movements that are driven and motivated by sensations. 

Is this an improvisation class, a class where we learn phrases, or both?
We will do both. 

Class description
Throughout the week, a short choreography will be taught, introducing a specific physicality - simultaneously heavy and weightless body that escapes the touch and floats forcefully through the space. Further exercises (explored alone or in pairs) will be derived from the choreography, but also to practice that choreography. Some keywords for the class are: following - [almost] falling - escaping - weight - backward - gaze - melting - skin - breath - absence - touch. The class will begin with a short warm-up, followed by learning a movement sequence and ending with improvisational tasks.

Katja Cheraneva is a freelance dancer and choreographer based between Berlin and Frankfurt. Her recent work explores notions of rehearsal/rehearsing, learning/unlearning, memory, and undoing. In the past, she has worked in close collaboration as a performer, co-creator and choreographic consultant with choreographers such as Fabrice Mazliah, Lea Letzel, Francis Chiaverini, Janina Arendt, Ksenia Ravvina, Yasmeen Godder; as well as visual artists such as Anne Imhof, Dudu Quintanilha and Gabriele Rendina Cattani, Sriram Srivigneswaramoorthy. She has been a member of The Forsythe Company and a founder member of HOOD(Host Organisation fOr proDuction) that held an artistic fellowship at PACT Zollverein from 2017 - 2019. Together with Mazliah she is currently managing a project space Werkstatt in Frankfurt that got support through #TakePart and as of October 2021 Tanzpakt Reconnect. She was a stipend of #TakeCareResidency with her ongoing research Study on How Waters Move.